

First Chat 
Each bespoke commission starts with an initial chat. 
We’ll start by discussing what types of jewellery you’re looking for, whether it’s earrings, rings, chains or anything inbetween, we can craft it for you. 

After going through references and your budget, we will then finalise the design until it’s exactly what you’re looking for.

Final Piece 
For a Bespoke Commission the materials we work in are Silver, Gold and Platinum. 

If gemstones are a part of your design we will then source the stones in London’s Hatton Gardens.

After all the materials are sourced, we will then begin the making process, handmade by us in Hatton Gardens. 

The turnaround time for a bespoke piece depends on the final design, however it will usually take between 2-6 weeks.

Get the process started by sending us an email at - we’d love to make your next heirloom !!